Saturday, June 27, 2009

Thomas the Train Live- Peep Peep!

So yesterday was a super big night as Jacob would say. It started off with going up to Atlanta for pizza with Aunt Jeje, Boo, and Catherine. But first we visited a variety store and they had the biggest selection of Thomas stuff I have ever seen. I think I was more excited than Jacob when I saw the life sized train that you could ride on. Of course, Jacob (with his no nap status) would not ride it so Noah graciously volunteered to pacify mommy. It was so cute. Then after a good dinner with the Aunties we were off to the Fox. Jacob was fascinated and commentated through the whole thing which was precious. When Thomas would leave the stage he would put out his arms and say "where is Thomas- he go night night". I am going to miss Jacob's adorable speech when he actually says everything correctly :) And Noah's eyes were saucer sized the entire time- poor thing, slightly overstimulated I think, but he had fun too! It is just so neat to see your children enjoy things and see that excitement in their eyes- there is nothing like it!!!! All in all it was a really neat outing and we are so glad we did it. Thanks Thomas- You are a really useful engine :)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Noah's First Date with Alisa

Today we had a pool date with our dear friend Amy, and her adorable daughter Alisa, and Amy's mom Betty. (Amy I hope I am spelling that correctly :)) They all had so much fun. Alisa is 3 weeks older than Noah but he likes older (and taller) girls anyway :) We met at our house and then did a golf cart trek to Shane's BBQ. From there we went swimming at mom and dad's house. The water felt great and the babies held it together with minimal naps which was amazing. Man it just makes me feel old to get together with Amy with our babies when I remember putting on plays with Amy (a combo of Cinderella and Snow White called Cinder Snow), playing tennis in the driveway, and drinking apple juice when we were 10 years old. Amy has blessed our family with her friendship and I am so glad we have stayed in touch.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Just a good old summer day!

Today was a really nice day- although super hot. The boys and I started off the day with a mini hike to Line Creek. We saw a heron, tadpoles, turtles, and fish. No ducks so Jacob decided to take care of the duck bread :) Then we swam on the afternoon and the boys had a great time. Jacob now has to bring at least 2 trucks on any car ride or it is just not as much fun. Therefore, his truck had a big day and swam, saw fishes, and "mowed lots of dirt." Noahy is doing so well in his crib at night and proves to be very ticklish on his sides and lets out quite the belly laugh. Life is good for the boys and I and we are truly blessed. There are so many people struggling right now and it just makes me really want to enjoy these precious moments and be thankful for family and times like these.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sharon's Birthday at the Mexican Resturant

We had a celebration for Sharon at La Reposa and it was enjoyed by all. Jacob ate his weight in chips and cheese dip and Noah was super excited about the Birthday song they sung along with the extra large sombrero hat. He looks a little over stimulated doesn't he :)

Pool Day with Jan, Eli, Kyle, and Jody

It was a fun filled day with Jan and her daughter and grandkids. Jan looked good and is hanging in there through her treatments. They had an awesome pool that was shallow enough for Jacob just to play and stand up like a big boy. He loved every minute of it. He did not want to give up his fish float at first but then decided he didn't need it to have fun. He watched Eli and Kyle with big eyes and took it all in. They were both really sweet with him and even wanted to hold Noah. Noah loved the baby pool and they both probably got a little tan which is not good at the tender age of 2 and 4 months. The day wore us all out and Mamaw and I barely made it home safe and sound as we both needed naps more than Jacob and Noah I think. In other exciting news... Noah spent 6 hours in his crib last night- a definite record for Noah. Daddy had him in his arms or the boppy until 2am but then he slept from 2 until 4, went back to sleep in his crib after nursing and woke up happy (I had to take a picture of this event) at 8. I know I know more info than you needed but it is quite an exciting event in the Hossler household.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Lake Oconee

We had a fabulous time this weekend at lake oconee. The hotel was so kid friendly with a very cool baby pool, shallow water to wade in right near the beach, a playground, a great kid menu, and plenty of space to roam around in. It was just nice spending time with Mamaw, Pawpaw, and Aunt Jeje (Aunt Boo we missed you). Mom and dad celebrated their 34th wedding anniversary. They are such role models for Mark and I and their love for each other is evident in everything they do! They are the amazing parents they are because of their incredible love for one another. The boys played golf on Saturday and Mark apparently played very well, can't really tell you what his score was as I know nothing about golf. The ladies went to the spa which was amazing- Strawberry Margarita toenails to show for it. I had quite the adventure the last day when I was chased down the road by a coyote while on my jog (it turned into a sprint needless to say). My daddy rescued me thank goodness but I will be investing in pepper spray (that's legal right :))
We returned exhausted but still rejuvenated from all being together. In other exciting news, Mark and I joined the gym as a couple. We hope to make it part of our daily routine and put the membership to good use- we will see!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Summer time fun!

So Jacob had his first experience with the ice cream truck. He was very leery at first but decided it was ok since he got ice cream out of the whole process. Daddy and Jacob are enjoying their Batman ice cream together in the picture. It was $2 for an ice cream... I know I know this is going to make me sound old but when i was a kid they were only 50 cents :) Man I guess I am getting old. The other pictures are of when we were cooking dinner and Mark was trying to entertain both boys. These blue bowls served as silly hats and we got the hugest (I know probably not a word) grin from Noah. He loves watching his brother and was doing belly laughs at the dinner table while Jacob entertained him. It was so much fun to watch, I have a smile on my face just thinking about it.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Line Creek Nature Hike

So since I just can't bear to stay home or inside for an extended period of time we went "hiking" today. Mark was so excited you can't even believe it. (haha) It was that or read the Elmo Potty book for the 4th time that day (he loves the book but has no interest in the actual potty) so everyone agreed. We took our back pack carrier, which we have never used, and set out on our adventure. It actually was a good walk there- shady for the most part. Noah took a snooze as you can see and was oh so cute huddled against daddy. When we got to the creek area Jacob loved floating his trains in the water and throwing them in for a swim and letting mommy retrieve them. We saw lots of tadpoles, bugs, a tiny turtle, and a lizard. Jacob loved it, not so much the walking, but everything else. The walk back was a little tougher as Jacob was getting tired and did not want to "hike." So mommy carried Jacob on her shoulders and Mark lugged Noah up the rather large hill at the end for a nice calf workout. We made it though and got some cute pictures.  I think that is one of the things I so enjoy about having kids is thinking up stuff that you think they will enjoy and watching them explore and laugh and just be a kid. It makes me slow down a little and try not to be so task oriented- a work in progress of course.