Today was a really nice day- although super hot. The boys and I started off the day with a mini hike to Line Creek. We saw a heron, tadpoles, turtles, and fish. No ducks so Jacob decided to take care of the duck bread :) Then we swam on the afternoon and the boys had a great time. Jacob now has to bring at least 2 trucks on any car ride or it is just not as much fun. Therefore, his truck had a big day and swam, saw fishes, and "mowed lots of dirt." Noahy is doing so well in his crib at night and proves to be very ticklish on his sides and lets out quite the belly laugh. Life is good for the boys and I and we are truly blessed. There are so many people struggling right now and it just makes me really want to enjoy these precious moments and be thankful for family and times like these.
Chunky Monkey is getting so expressive!