It was a good week at the beach. Jacob was able to kind of understand the concept of the Easter bunny and baskets and eggs. He dyed eggs for the first time
and it was a success. He is somewhat scared of the Easter bunny but does like the concept of opening an egg and finding a treat inside. Mamaw and Pawpaw were very generous Easter bunny helpers and both kids got amazing Easter baskets.
One neat part of having little kids is you get to live your childhood all over again. Jacob went to an Easter festival in

Destin and I don't know who had more fun on the inflatible slide and obstacle course- him or I. He was quite brave, and I don't know w
here he got that from since both Mark and I are very cautious. I didn't like rollercoasters until I was in 18 years old but somehow I think Jacob will be on one before that:) We had a great time at the beach and packed in a ton of activities. We went to the amusement park and rode bumper boats, swings, and trains. Jacob loved his first round of putt putt golf- with the patient coaching of Mamaw. We also hit the pool and beach. Jacob was a little hesitant of the ocean despite our best attempts at telling him it would be a blast to ride the boogey board in the freezing cold water :) It is exhausting traveling with 2 kids. Today as I am at home desperately trying to catch up on laundry, grocery shopping, cleaning, unpacking, ect. (which I should be doing right now since the kids are asleep) I realize that it is hard work to have fun with little ones, but looking at the pictures, I realize it is all worth it!!!

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