The cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow
But children grow up as I've learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs; Dust go to sleep!
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep.
This just speaks to the fact that it is so easy to get caught up in things that are not important. It is hard to step back and see the what really matters on a day to day basis. I think having kids has really helped me to appreciate the little things that make us smile through out the day and to stop and enjoy them. Kids are naturally so good at that but us grown ups need some help. So that is another reason I am creating this blog so I can share the little things that happen to our family. I want to start by introducing the Hossler household. We have just grown by 1 and it is hard to believe we are a family of 4. Here is goes.
First there is Mark, my husband of going on 5 years (wow that makes us sounds old). His quiet, gentle and super laid back way is a perfect match to my type A worry wart personality. Mark was my first boyfriend and those big blue eyes sucked me right in from the start. What I love about Mark is that he is always there for me and patiently loves me just the way I am.
Then there is Jacob our 2 year old son. He is Mark's clone, but he does have my dimple. His smile just makes me melt and he has changed our life and made us wonder what in the world we did before he arrived. He has the sweetest most loving way about him and loves his Einny and Nunu and everything to do with trains and balls. When I look at him it makes me realize there is no love like the love you have for your child.
And then there is our newest addition Noah, who is 2 months old. He has those big blue eyes like his brother but definetely is going to have his own look. We are already noticing differences in the boys. Noah does not like
And then there are our pets, who before kids were our "children" and now reluctantly share the spotlight with the boys.
Newton, is our neurotic cavalier that is my faithful companion and jogs with me daily. Einstein prefers to lounge around and
sleep in with daddy. And then there is Charles, better known as Fatty, and he well likes to eat and be his fatty self. He is the sweetest cat I know. So there you have it- the Hossler household. Hopefully, this blog will keep everyone updated on the exciting and sometimes not so exciting events of our everyday life!
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