So it was an exciting and exhausting 24 hour trip to Augusta this weekend. We packed up the RV, dogs, and people, and hit the road for the triathlon. We had a good pre-race dinner at Bonefish and then went to bed early. Poor mom took it upon herself to ensure everyone got a goodnight sleep and took Jacob and the 3 dogs and "slept" in the trailer. Not much sleeping going on there. We awoke at 5am for the long day ahead and Mark, Jenny, and Rebecca (my Olympic swimmer team member) hit the Savannah River for a 1.2 mile swim which they all did amazing on. Then Jenny, Mark, and Catherine blew through the competition on their bikes to finish out the fun with a 13 mile run (Mark's personal favorite). The star of the weekend was Jenny who PR'd (triathlon talk for personal best) completing her 1/2 Ironman in less than 6 hours. Mark beat his time in New Orleans by 30 minutes and was very pleased to have it over with. All and all a successful weekend. However, I am sad to say Mark and I will not be participating in anymore races of this distance as I am just not the triathlon breed I have decided (I just can't stomach those stupid gels) and Mark said to remind him of his pain and agony if he talked about signing up for another one. Plus- Mamaw and Pawpaw were such trooper but enough of that kind of fun already! However, we are in full support of our triathlon star Jenny who plans to rip up the competition in Lake Placid 2010 Ironman!!!!! WAAAHOOO!